Would you want these guys to be abruptly disturbed due to a NOISE???
We didn't think so!!!
Hospitals have noises that, unfortunately, will always be present. But there are noises that can be controlled, and areas of the hospital that have to remain free of interruptions.
Acoustiblok 4.88 is the solution for dramatically reducing the sound transmissions through hospital walls, ceilings and floors. The unique linear attenuation that is created when Acoustiblok 4.88 is added to gypsum assemblies provides enhanced noise isolation at frequency ranges that gypsum inherently have deficiencies. These frequency ranges I speak of are still evident with as much as 4 layers of gypsum applied to a wall assembly. Acoustiblok 4.88 changes the internal damping of the wall. Acoustiblok 4.88 not only adds essential mass to the wall, but it also enhances the flexibility and stiffness changing the natural resonance of the structure. This is why a wall with Acoustiblok 4.88 has a more linear (without dramatic dips and peaks) transmission loss than that of multiple layers of Gypsum or hybrid gypsum designs encompassing adhesives and other variations. If access to internal wall assemblies is needed, and quieter rooms are a must, Acoustiblok 4.88 is a must.