Offshore Applications
One of the most dangerous places in the world to work is on an off shore oil rig. The environment is harsh, the work is hard, and it just so happens to be one of the loudest places on earth. So where do we start with this loud and hazardous work environment? First, let's understand how important it is for all the workers on the rig to be on their toes ALL the time. Heavy machinery, combustible gases, poisonous gases, open walkways (15-30m above the ocean’s surface), and some of the loudest (105 -135 dBA) noises imaginable!
The gas, burn-off nozzles are a noise that never goes away (24 hrs a day 7 days a week), so acoustical barriers (all weather sound panels) should be in place to reduce this overwhelming and constant noise level. These noises are particularly intense in the frequency ranges that we as humans hear very efficiently (800 Hz-6.3 kHz), so they seem even louder to us than they are.
The other contributor is the high pressure gas line that feeds the burn off nozzles. This is also a constant that never shuts down! The solution for this is our unique material "Thermablok" used in conjunction with Acoustiblok 4.88 barrier material. This gets treated as a pipe wrap layering Thermablok and Acoustiblok until the level of attenuation is reached to meet the criteria for the surrounding work area. Our pipe wraps have made reductions of more than 28dba with just a layer of each material combined. Wraps will react differently based on the frequencies being emitted off different types of scenarios. An acoustical measurement of the noise spectra should always be performed by an acoustician or qualified acoustical consultant to achieve the highest level of results. The last major noise is the drilling operation itself. This is a complex combination of vibrational and airborne noise propagating from the location of the well. The vibrational can only be reduced by isolating the main compartments of the rig from the rig itself. Engineered spring mounts for sleeping pods, dining room and offices are the first step. Our materials are of NO use for this type of noise. We highly recommend retaining the services of a professional consulting firm with extensive experience in vibrational assessment and analysis to assess what, if anything, can be done. This is something that needs to be engineered at the design of the rig and not post construction.
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Click Here for Hurricane Data
Click Here for Smoke Data
Click Here for Thermablok Data
